Sunday, October 19, 2008

Music To My Ears

We have been a little busy lately with the girls being out of school right now but I did want to pass on some possible good news. I had a CT scan 2 weeks ago and last week when I met with my Dr. to discuss the results he mentioned the possibility of going off chemotherapy for awhile. I have to admit this was very exciting but scary to hear. The CT scan showed no change since the one I had 2 months ago so everythng is still stable which is good news. My Dr. thinks it might be a good idea to take a little break to give my body a rest since I have been on this chemotherapy for 10 months now. Of course the thought of doing nothing to fight my disease is very scary so I told him IF we do decide to "take a break" I want to try another anti-hormonal drug that I have not tried yet, he was in agreement with that. So long story short, I am going to have a PET scan on Friday and that will hopefully show us if the spots on my liver and in my bones are "active cancer" or not. So fingers crossed that the cancer is no longer "active" and I will be able to take a break from chemo and maybe even grow some hair. I will keep every one posted. I get the results from the PET scan on October 30th.


Blogger Jeri said...

Sweet! Here's hoping you get the results you want...xoxo

6:49 PM  

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