Thursday, January 18, 2007


Well, I went for a CT scan on Wednesday and met with my doctor today to review the results. Turns out the cancer that has decided to take up residence in my body is being very persistant! I don't know who it thinks it is coming in and invading my organs but it's time for it to go!!! So as of today, I am going to be starting on my 4th treatment to see if we can't iradicate this pesky inhabitant!! My liver showed very slight progression so my doctor is asking me to join another clinical trial. I will be starting an oral chemo which is much more pleasant then the inital chemo I did last year. No hair loss and hopefully no nausea. The worst side effect is what they call hand and foot syndrome where your palms and the bottom of your feet get red and the skin peels off. Hey, maybe that will help peel away the calluses on my heels that are in much need of a pedicure!! The trial I will be entering is testing the effectiveness of chemo when given in combination with another drug called Avastin. Two thirds of the people in the trial will get the Avastin and the other third will just get a placebo drug. Here's hoping I get the Avastin, it would be a bit of a bummer to find out I was driving 3 hours each way every 3 weeks for a 90 minute IV injection of sugar water. I will not know what I am getting and neither will my doctor. Sort of weird but I am happy to participate in trials not only to expose myself to treatments that could be beneficial to me before they are even FDA approved but also in hopes that the results will help other cancer patients down the road.

Hopefully this treatment will create a not so comfy home for this cancer and it will decide to move out, SOON!!!! I am now starting the eviction process, I didn't authorize it to move in and I am still working on evicting it but, I think I am getting close. I believe there is a treatment for me that will work and I am hoping we find it sooner then later. So cancer, it's time to move out you are not welcome here, you never were!!!


Blogger Becca said...

Your mind set is one of the most beautiful qualites about you. The dragon will retreat.
Love you!

3:08 PM  

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